Staff Departing
The last term of any school year brings the inevitable staff changes. Each person listed below has made a positive contribution to the educational journey of our students. We thank those staff leaving us for their service and wish them all the best in a new chapter in their lives.
Mrs Sturdy - Year 3 Class Teacher
Ms Miswald - Supply Teacher
Mr Duevel - Year 4 Class Teacher
Mr Beavan - Year 5 Class Teacher and Subject Teacher
Mrs Clark - Year 2 Class Teacher
Mr Lane - Learning Assistant
Ms Lusambo - ASP Assistant
Staff on Leave during the next School Year
We look forward to welcoming these staff members back to Birralee in August 2022.
Mrs Nygaard-Pearson - Music Teacher (NTNU)
Mr Almaas - Norwegian Teacher (Charlottenlund High School Teacher)
Mrs Bosnes-Askim - Norwegian Teacher (Maternity Leave)
Mrs Torsvik - Special Needs Coordinator (Maternity Leave)
Mrs Alenga - Year 2 Class Teacher (Maternity Leave)
Mrs Hearst - Subject Teacher (Maternity Leave)
New Staff commencing in August
At the start of the new school year in August, we look forward to welcoming new staff throughout the School.
Miss Keep Year - 1 Class Teacher
Mrs Haldenby - Year 2 Class Teacher
Miss Charlson - Year 4 Class Teacher
Miss Jones - Year 4 Class Teacher
Mr Bailey - Year 5 Class Teacher
Ms Di Camillo - Year 7 Class Teacher and IMYC/IGCSE Mathematics Teacher
Mrs Holen - IMYC/IGCSE Spanish Teacher
Mr Volden - Special Needs Coordinator
Mr McPherson IMYC/IGCSE Design & Technology Teacher
Miss Engesbak - Special Needs and Early Intervention Teacher
Miss Skogan Bonesrønning - IPC Music Teacher
Miss Mesner - Learning Assistant
Miss Spittle - Year 1 Learning Assistant
Miss Kristin Gjersvold- Norwegian Teacher