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Q&A Friday with Ms Soto

Back by popular demand: Q&A Friday! This week with Ms Soto.

In this series our students ask questions to Birralee Community Members. The questions and answers are published every Saturday morning on

Full name: Amy Nicole Soto Job: Learning Assistant School and ASP Joined Birralee in: January 2023


Why did you want to work in a school?

I’m a curious person and I like to learn new things. I also can’t stay sitting long, so I love to get the chance to move around and talk with people.

Where did you work before you joined Birralee?

I worked at Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary as a lecturer.

What is the best part of your job?

Getting to know the students and playing and learning together.

What is an unknown skill that you have that comes in handy at work?

I used to build furniture when I was in school, so these skills come in handy while in D&T lessons.

Were you a good student at school? 

I was a good student, but very quiet during the school day.  

What was your favourite subject at school?

My favorite subject was either Spanish or woodworking.

What’s your best memory you have from going to school yourself? 

My best memories are from playing sports with my classmates and traveling to play against other schools.

What is the worst grade you got on a test? 

I got a C- on a Spanish test once. 

What would you be, if you hadn’t become a teacher / learning assistant ? When I was younger, I wanted to be a professional soccer player. Maybe there’s still a chance… 

Which book should every student read?  

I would recommend Eragon or the Ewilan saga. 


If you were the president of the world, what law would you introduce? 

I would pass a law to give equal rights to everyone around the world.

Have you ever met someone famous? 

I’ve met some players from the Chiefs, Royals, and Sporting KC.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to go hiking and play soccer.

What’s your favourite music album?  

I love Hasta la Raíz by Natalia Lafourcade.

Have you ever been on TV? 


I’m going to the bakery. What will I order for you? 

A cappuccino and an almond croissant.

What’s your favourite holiday destination? 

Florida. I love to go to the beach and to the springs.

What makes you mad? 

When people make mean jokes about others.

Which Friends character are you? 

I want to be Phoebe, but I might actually be Monica.

Are you a morning person or a night owl? 

I am definitely a morning person, after I have a cup of coffee and an hour alone.

Are you an early adopter or a late-adopter?

Probably a late adopter because I like to use things for as long as possible.

Which countries have you visited?

Too many to list them all, but some are France, Spain, USA, Hungary, Italy, Morocco, Turkey, Israel, Germany, Portugal…..

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